With increasing air pollution, wildfires, and pandemics such as the corona virus lurking around, the demand for pollution masks has been on the rise. Seeing people wearing pollution masks is becoming so common but it’s less common for babies so recently I have been wondering …
6 Best Anti Pollution Masks For Sports
If you live in a busy city, and you enjoy jogging or any form of outdoor sports one thing that can really mess with your work out time is pollution from traffic and industry. Pollution nowadays is so bad that in some cities people say …
Are Air Purifiers Good For COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a progressive lung disease whereby your airways are partially blocked and you struggle to breathe can be a lot to deal with. If you suffer from COPD, one thing you will sooner or later realize is the importance of good …
5 Powerful Small Air Purifiers For A Bathroom
In my search for a bathroom air purifier, I found many retailers and online stores misunderstand what people are looking for. Most websites I have browsed show me stuff to eliminate bathroom odor. However what I actually want is a device that doesn’t just eliminate …
Can Air Purifiers Get Rid of Asbestos?
A solution you are bound to come across when you find out the air in your building or home is contaminated with asbestos is an air purifier. However, after digging around for one, you might find yourself wondering if they can actually get rid of …
Can Mobile Phone Radiation Damage Your Brain?
With mobile phone usage on the uptick and the introduction of faster mobile network technologies like 5G, fears about how the radiation that mobile phones emit could be affecting our general health and damaging our brains continue to rise. Many adverse effects of cellphones such …
How To Protect An Unborn Baby From Cell Phone Radiation
In recent years, there has been a lot of concern about how cellphone and electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation could be bad for our health. Even more worrying is their negative impact on fetuses and infants as research continually finds they are the most vulnerable to …
How To Keep The Air In Your Home Clean? 32 Ideas You Can Try Today
Are you tired of living in a house with poor air quality? Well, you don’t have to live under such conditions any longer as I am about to share with you 32 awesome ideas you can put into action today for cleaner air in your …
Do Air Purifiers Get Rid Of Odors?
When I think about odors at home, among the worst odors I will never forget is the sink smell in an apartment I once stayed in. It was so horrible. Another traumatizing experience for me was when I lived next to a chain smoker whose …
What Can Air Purifiers Get Rid Of? 33 Key Things Air Purifiers Remove
There are many things air purifiers can get rid of that its difficult to keep track especially when you start out trying to improve the air quality in your home. To this day I surprisingly can’t find one place that has a complete list of …