bathroom air purifiers

5 Powerful Small Air Purifiers For A Bathroom


In my search for a bathroom air purifier, I found many retailers and online stores misunderstand what people are looking for. Most websites I have browsed show me stuff to eliminate bathroom odor. However what I actually want is a device that doesn’t just eliminate odors but also airborne germs, dust and other air pollutants lurking around in my bathroom.

If you have had the same experience as me or if you actually just want an odor eliminator for your bathroom then read on as I think I have got exactly what you are looking for. 

I am going to show you some devices worth trying that get rid of both dangerous and annoying air pollutants and odors in your bathroom. In summary, the 5 powerful small air purifiers for a bathroom are as follows,

  1. Cogswell Toilet Air Purifier
  2. NoMO Air Purifier for Bathroom & Toilet 
  3. The Odorless
  4. Duofresh By Gerberit
  5. AeraMax 100 Air Purifier

The 5 devices can be split into 2 groups namely Standalone and Attached devices. All the devices except the AeraMax 100 Air Purifier are attached devices in that they have to be connected to your toilet to work. 

These five air purifiers are among the few worth your while for bathrooms. Of the five I personally like the AeraMax 100 Air Purifier which is available  at Amazon. Unlike the other options, you can plug the AeraMax pretty much anywhere in your bathroom as long as you have a power socket. 

The AeraMax air purifier is a standalone appliance and will improve your air without having to be attached to anything. On top of that, it also deals with both bad odors and air pollutants in your bathroom, unlike the attached purifiers which are mainly focused on eliminating odors.

I talk about all this stuff and the pros and cons of each of the 5 bathroom purifiers more extensively in the rest of this post. I also go over some extra measures you can use together with these devices to ensure your bathroom air quality is always at its best. So read on to learn more about the air purifiers that can best improve the air quality in your bathroom.

1. Cogswell Bathroom And Toilet Odor Eliminator 

The first convincing bathroom air purifier I came across in my search for devices that do a sufficient job was the Cogswell Bathroom and Toilet Odor Eliminator. This device works by attaching it to your toilet bowl in a way that allows it to extract unwanted odors coming directly out of your bowl pit.

The manufacturer of the Cogswell Odor Eliminator says it is able to get rid of bad smells in and around your toilet because of the unique Helixion Technology filtration system it uses. 

The system neutralizes odors by creating a vortex around your toilet bowl which sucks up and gets rid of odors and releases cleaned fresh air back into your bathroom without using any harmful chemicals or sprays. This device is actually a great option if you have chemical sensitivities.

The substance in its filters that enables it to get rid of bad odors is an enhanced type of activated carbon. Activated carbon is known to absorb odors, vapors, and various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and is wildly used when trying to get rid of odors. 

For the Cogswell Bathroom Odor Eliminator, you get your activated carbon in the form of a scented or unscented filter cartridge that can be replaced once it gets saturated. The device is powered by 4 AA batteries and fits easily on the rim of most toilet bowls under your toilet seat. 

It has a built-in motion sensor that allows the device to switch on automatically and start cleaning your air before bad odors start to spread and thereby keeping your bathroom smelling fresh at all times. The device features a small led light that comes on to show that it is cleaning your air. 

The led light also lights up your toilet bowl allowing you to do your business without turning your bathroom light on when its dark, which is awesome when you don’t want to turn on the lights when you go use the loo in the middle of the night (some of you will know why I think this is so awesome 😊). 

Below is a video showing how the Cogswell Bathroom Odor Eliminator works.

A lot of people who have tried the Cogswell Odor Eliminator say it works well but like many appliances, it’s not without problems. The common complaint about this bathroom air purifier is that it munches through batteries. 

The reason for this is that the motion sensor is designed in a way that makes the fan and lights work even when it’s unnecessary. To fix this, people have resorted to blocking the sensor with duct tape and removing the duct tape when they want the device to work. 

Doing this has seen the batteries last for more reasonable periods of time. However, this kind of improvisation is the last thing you want to do when you spend your hard-earned money on a device designed to work otherwise. 

Some people have also complained that the device does not fit well on their toilet but to the credit of the manufacturer they do point out on the product packaging that it won’t fit for everyone’s toilet. 

Another thing you have to be prepared for is to replace your filter cartridges every 2-3 months. So in a year, you will need about 5 or 6 filter changes at most. 

Despite the quirks of this device, it does get the job done in eliminating odor. If you can deal with the cons, then this device will serve you well. Another thing you should note is that this bathroom air purifier is designed only to eliminate bad odors. 

In view of this, go for the Cogswell air purifier if you are only concerned about getting rid of bathroom odors from your toilet bowl. Compared to the other devices I looked at the Cogswell is the most reasonably priced. Check out the Cogswell Bathroom Odor Eliminator here at Amazon.

2. NoMO Air Purifier for Bathroom & Toilet 

Next on the list is The NoMO bathroom air purifier. I think the guys who made this air purifier saw the Cogswell air purifier and thought to themselves, “We Can Do Better”. The NoMO air purifier is like the Cogswell on steroids and it accordingly costs twice as much.

It also attaches to your toilet bowl but you are given two attaching options. You can attach it directly to your bowl like the Cogswell, or alternatively, you can attach it to your toilet seat. Once attached the device works by sucking the bad-smelling air out of your bowl pit using its fans and channels it towards its filtration system.

Like the Cogswell, the devices’ filtration system also contains activated carbon which adsorbs the bad smell from your toilet bowl and thereafter releases the cleaned air into your bathroom. It also does this without the use of harmful chemicals.

The video below shows how the NoMO works.

The difference and in my opinion the improvement with the NoMO purifier is that you never ever need to replace your carbon filter. The device is packed with 240 grams of activated carbon which the manufacturer claims will last you a lifetime. 

They stand by this claim so much so they will replace your device if your filter fails. Additionally, the NoMO air purifier comes with a motion sensor and a power button so you can turn the device on and off whenever you want. 

To get the device working you simply wave your hand at the motion sensor and then it cleans your air for 3 minutes. You also won’t face any battery issues as it has a built-in rechargeable battery just like your phone. 

When the battery runs out you can detach the part of the device that contains the battery and plug it into your power supply using its charger to recharge. Alternatively, if you have a power supply near your toilet, then you don’t even need to move the unit and you just plug the charger in and it charges on the spot. 

However, you can’t use it while it’s charging. But once it is fully charged, the beauty of it all is your purifier can run for up to 2 months before needing another recharge.

As much as the NoMo purifier is a serious upgrade compared to the Cogswell, it has its flaws. The common issue I have seen with the NoMO bathroom purifier is that it does not fit on all types of toilets. 

That said a guide is provided to make sure you know whether or not it will fit for you before you make your purchase. See the picture below for more details.

As much as NoMO claims, the bowl mount will fit anywhere, as I have seen from a number of reviews this has just not been the case. On the size issue, some people have also found that the device is quite large in itself.

Some people’s toilet bowls are quite low and when they install the device it ends up touching the floor and accordingly fitting poorly. But don’t be dismayed if you bought the device and you find yourself battling with sizing. You can always return the device for a full refund within 30 days of getting it. 

Another common complaint about the NoMo is the noise it makes when it’s cleaning your air. It sounds like a mini hoover or hairdryer and you can hear it from outside your bathroom. So if you don’t want another distracting noise in your bathroom then you best avoid it.

For some people, the NoMO works but not fast enough but I think this issue comes down to personal preference and you would have to judge for yourself. 

It’s another great device to go for if all you are concerned about is odors and no other air pollutants in your bathroom. For a more intense bathroom air purifier than the Cogswell, you can find the NoMO Air Purifier at Amazon.

3. The Odorless

The Odorless air purifier is another bathroom air purifier focused mainly on getting rid of bad odor from your toilet bowl. Though it also uses activated carbon to get rid of odor, it works differently from the Cogswell and NoMo air purifiers.

The device comes in two parts. A fan unit and battery and sensor unit. Instead of being placed directly on your bowl pit you actually place the fan part of the device in your toilet tank while the battery and sensor unit sits outside.

Inside your toilet tank, the fan unit is placed on the overflow-vent pipe of your toilet tank and connected to the battery and sensor unit which is strategically positioned to detect when someone is using the bathroom.

When the sensor detects someone using the loo it turns on the fan in the tank automatically. Then through the overflow-vent pipe and holes in the rim of your toilet, the fan unit sucks the polluted air in your bowl pit.

The fan unit then releases the sucked air into the activated carbon filter core contained within it. Thereafter all the bad odors from your bowl pit get stuck on the carbon and the freshened air is released back into your bathroom.

The video below shows how it works in more detail.

I have heard a lot of good things about the odorless and seen numerous comments that say this unit makes it seem as if no one even used your bathroom after someone has just used it. The odorless also purifies your air without the use of any harmful chemicals.

The manufacturer also claims beyond getting rid of odors, The Odorless also deals with some airborne bacteria that are otherwise released into your bathroom air from your toilet bowl.

The bummer though when running this unit is that you will eventually have to replace your carbon filters and they last for about 120 hours of continuous usage. The Odorless comes with a rechargeable battery and will need to be recharged about every 2 to 3 weeks depending on how often you use your bathroom.

What’s also pretty cool about The Odorless is that it has sensors that warn you when your battery is low or when your filter is almost worn out. This allows you to plan ahead and maintain your device without any surprises.

The main challenge I have seen people face with the odorless purifier is installing it. It apparently should take only 10 minutes to install. However, the installation process requires you to be a bit of a handyman and not everyone is wired that way and I think that’s where the trouble lies.

People complain about not being able to properly align the sensor and so the unit does not detect their presence well when they are using the bathroom and fails to switch on the fan as it’s supposed to. The best solution here is to have someone who is handyman inclined to set the unit up for you.

Some people also complain the unit is not aesthetically pleasing but this is subjective. A less common problem is how the battery behaves. Sometimes the battery has to be recharged for 2 cycles when it is completely drained which is rather unusual but fortunately, this problem happens only with a few faulty units.

The other thing you have to note before you get The Odorless air purifier is that it is not designed for all types of toilets. Though a version for a tank-less toilet is being developed as I write this post, the device is currently only available for toilets with a tank.

Even for toilets with tanks, the air purifier will not work if you have the older float bulb fill valve. This means you have to make sure you have the right type of fill valve in your tank before you this device,

If you have placed your order and it turns out it does not fit in your toilet tank, you can always return the device for a full refund within 30 days of ordering it.

Besides all the complaints, there is barely any complaint about the ability of The Odorless to eliminate bad odors in your bathroom from your toilet bowl. That’s because it does an awesome job. It works well, so much so that the manufacturer guarantees it will eliminate your bathroom odor.

All in all, I would go for The Odorless if I have the correct fill valve and I don’t mind having a device glued on and hanging on my bathroom wall.

It’s also a good device if you want a device that will get rid of some bowl pit airborne germs in addition to eliminating the odor.  You can find out more about The Odorless on its website here.

4. The Duofresh By Gerberit 

The last of the worthwhile attached bathroom air purifiers is the Duofresh. I have not seen any consumer reviews on this device but its largely marketed to big corporate firms, industry and in luxury home magazines. 

The Duofresh only works for tank-less toilets and it really takes things to the next level when it comes to eliminating bathroom odors from your toilet bowl. It’s the kind of device you install when you are revamping your bathroom as it works best with its own uniquely designed ceramic toilet bowl.

It also uses an activated carbon filter but this is built into the flushing system of your toilet. Like The Odorless air purifier, the Duofresh captures bad odors through existing holes in your toilet bowl  using an extraction fan.

However the air is instead routed through a  replaceable activated carbon filter hidden behind your wall within the flushing unit of your tank-less toilet. Once the air goes through the filters it is unnoticeably released back into your bathroom as clean ozone fresh air.

The device is a work of class and really for you if you are looking for elegance. I am convinced it works just by its intense installation process. It’s built to work. You can definitely not self install this unless you are a proper handyman.

It’s something you would ideally go for when you are initially installing your toilet. Otherwise, you have to do some renovation work and this entails digging into your wall as the electric cable and air extraction pipes for your device run through your wall.

Have a look at the video below to better understand its workings.

This is a powerful device but it’s not for you if you are looking for a plug and play solution.

That said if you get the complete system, you are guaranteed your bathroom air will always be clean, refreshing and free of bowl pit germs and odors. You can learn more about the Duofresh here on Gerberit’s website.

5. AeraMax 100 Air Purifier

There are many stand-alone air purifiers out there to choose from and it was a difficult choice but one such air purifier I found works well in a bathroom setting is the AeraMax 100.  It is not exactly on the small side of life, but it’s the smallest standalone unit I managed to find that has proven to be most effective for improving air quality in a bathroom.

This air purifier has both a HEPA and activated carbon filter. Additionally, the air purifier also has an ionizer which you can turn on or off as you choose. Personally I would keep the ionizer off because it releases ozone into your indoor air which can prove harmful if inhaled by pets or children or anyone with respiratory issues.

Using just its  HEPA and Carbon filters, the AeraMax 100 can get rid of 99% of particulate pollutants and reduce odors in your bathroom respectively. It can clean the air in your bathroom under an hour if your bathroom is smaller than 200 square feet. 

The purifier contains a fan and filtration system in its core and when operating, it cleans your air by its fan firstly drawing polluted air out of your bathroom and passing it through the filtration system and thereafter releasing purified air back into your bathroom.

The process is continuous and the purifier mantains good air quality in your bathroom by moving both clean and foul air through its filters over and over. The device will show you when your filters need changing and it can also sense how bad your air is and accordingly adjust its cleaning speed automatically.

The main shortcomings with the AeraMax I have picked up from countless reviews is that it can be quite loud especially when operating on its highest speed setting. If you get this purifier, you will have to replace its HEPA filter every 12 months and its carbon filters every 3 months. 

It’s a slim device that you can squeeze into a corner even in a small bathroom but it would have been better if it was smaller. There are smaller air purifiers out there but it is really hard to find one that will give you great performance in your bathroom over the long term.

In view of this, I would stick to the AeraMax or any standalone purifier of comparable capacity. Additionally, if you find a smaller device that can give you the same performance as the AeraMax don’t hesitate to go for the smaller device. If the AeraMax 100 sounds like it’s up your alley, you can take a peek at it here on Amazon.

Additional Steps You Can Take For Fresh Air In Your Bathroom

Now you have seen all the small air purifiers that will pack a punch in your bathroom’s air quality. However, the journey in improving your bathroom air quality does not end with air purifiers. Below are other measures you can try together with or besides using air purifiers to keep the air in your bathroom germ-free and smelling fresh.

Install A Bathroom Exhaust Fan

If you do not already have a ventilator in your bathroom, installing one can go a long way in freshening up your bathroom’s air. They really help ease the humidity in your bathroom and dissipate bad odors faster.

Keep Your Bathroom And Toilet Brush Clean

Do not expect any device or intervention to improve the air quality and get rid of odors in your bathroom if you do not clean your bathroom, toilet bowl and toilet brush regularly. 

Keep Your Towels Clean And Dry

One trick I learned to keep my towel dry is to wipe myself dry using my face towel before I use my bath towel. This way my bath towel does really get wet and stays dry enough to avoid that dirty damp smell. Meanwhile, my small face towel always dries up quickly and rarely smells damp.

That said, you should wash your towels at least once a week to keep them clean. To keep your towels clean and dry and odor-free, you can also look into getting a bucket towel warmer like the Zadro Ultra Large Luxury Bucket-Style Towel Warmer (click to see at Amazon) or install a towel warmer rack like the Warmly Yours Riviera Towel Warmer  (click to see at Amazon).

Use Air Sanitizer Spray

To quickly freshen up the air in your bathroom, like when you have announced guests or if you just want your bathroom air extra clean you can spray an air sanitizer spray like Ozium in your bathroom periodically. Ozium will kill bacteria in your air and eliminate your bathroom odors for some time until the odors are produced again from their source.

Use A Dehumidifier

Lastly, if you have high humidity and mustiness in your bathroom, a very effective combination that can deal with this is an air purifier and dehumidifier. The dehumidifier will dry up the moisture and reduce the bad odor in your bathroom.

On the other hand, the air purifier will deal with airborne mold spores and other air pollutants and odorous particles your dehumidifier would otherwise fail to eliminate. 

Together the two will help you achieve much fresher air faster in your bathroom. An awesome dehumidifier I have been eyeing for some time that will work very well in many bathrooms is the Eva Dry Wireless Mini Dehumidifier (click to see at Amazon).

There are many other measures you can put in place for improved air quality in your bathroom but it will be a never-ending story if I was to exhaust them all here and so I rest my case here. If I missed anything important or if you have any questions or suggestions, do comment below.

About the Author


Jean is a research economist by profession and he runs Fresh Air Genie. He is enthusiastic about maintaining good air quality at home and on the go and he shares his knowledge about this here at Fresh Air Genie.

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